If after making sure the stick is FAT and it still doesn't work then you are almost screwed. If it's FAT32 then reformat the stick (I'll leave it up to you how you wanna do that) to FAT. Boot up the gameshark disc (DO NOT stick your usb device in the usb slot while it loads or the screen will freeze).Go to Mem & Save Manager with your stick in the usb slot and MC in the first memory card slot.Choose NO if it asks you to load save files from the disc, then wait for everything to load - If your stick's content are not shown on the left (Source) window, put it back in your computer and make sure that it's format FAT16 (or just FAT) and not FAT32.

Save the file to your usb stick's main folder (subfolder is okay, but not recommended) 7. Drag all essential files into the file window, all CAPITAL.Must have iop.irx, system.cnf, your title.db, and a boot.elf file as your boot file. Open 'PS2 save builder', choose File/New and type in the Root/ID box the system folder's name of your MC.BADATA-SYSTEM for NTSC consoles.BEDATA-SYSTEM for PAL consoles.BIDATA-SYSTEM for JAP consoles 3. Open 'Titleman Frontend' and create a brand new TITLE.DB, then manually type in the correct required name of your original psx disc.Don't bother using an app to read the disc's id because you can do the same thing quicker manually.Recommend to add more than one disc to raise your chance of making the exploit work, as well as in case your main trigger disc get lost or stolen.

Files needed: -Every exploit files you want to put onto your MC (I recommend only uLaunchElf cuz you can always use others later through usb) -PS2 Save Builder -Titleman Frontend (recommend lastest version, google is your friend) -Gameshark 2 (any version which can read usb device, in this tutorial we're using v1.1) Instructions: 1. However, the lack of tutorial for gameshark prompts me to write up this tutorial.